It's a bit hard to really feel the excitement here, because I'm in Brazil(obviously) which is a country that does not snow.
Still I'm thrilled!!
The sport I'm most looking forward to is figure skating, speed skating and short track.
Actually, I think that's the sport that most of the Koreans are looking forward to, especially figure skating.
The reason why figure skating is because the person who is now spotlighted in the figure skating sport is a Korean, Kim Yuna, the Figure Queen(as we call her).
Here's a picture of her:

and here's a link to several videos of her performances:
Although there's a Korean subtitle, the commentary is in English, so you'll have no problem understanding it.
There's more good performances of her, but I think these are the best!!!
You HAVE to watch it!!!>///<
So beautiful..(sigh)
The music she danced to in the second video is the theme from the movie James Bond, so you might know the song!!
Oh yeah, I almost forgot. I got the picture from here.
By the way, I like the second video better!!
Great performances! She is beautiful.
Yess!!!She is!!!♡ㅁ♡
I'm a huge fan of her!!!
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